Place: Pécs, Hungary
Dates: 14-16 October 2011(including meeting of ECP Youth Network 12-13 October and ECP Senate meeting on 13 October)
Theme: The Relevance of Europe – European Culture, Politics and Economy in the Era of Global Competition
The 10th Session of the European Cultural Parliament, ECP. This jubilee session was held in the beautiful city of Pécs in Hungary at the new Kodaly Centre. More than 100 European artists and cultural actors from 40 countries met in Pécs. The Hungarian Minister of National Resources, Mr Miklós Réthelyi, and the Mayor of Pécs, Dr Zsolt Páva, welcomed the participants on 14 October. The conference contained several sessions of general debate, three workshops, a big commonly composed “European buffet”, a Schumann concert in the Kodaly concert hall by ECP members and visits to the Zsolnay Centre and the Cella Septichora. The theme of the ECP Session was The Relevance of Europe – European Culture, Politics and Economy in the Era of Global Competition. Keynote speaker on the theme was the Hungarian film director and Oscar Prize winner István Szabó. Other guest speakers on the theme were Dr Kate Coyer, USA and Dr Rui Vieira Nery, Portugal. All ECP members, including the youth network expressed enthusiasm over the efficient and friendly reception in the beautiful city of Pécs.
Read the full report containing the list of participants, programme summaries and more via the link below.